Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Help Us Save The Life Of A Child

Those of you who know us and our journey to bring Milana home know that we have been working very diligently to raise the money to bring her home. I won't lie to you. It hasn't been easy. I think initially I was very naive about the process and just assumed people would be willing to donate to our cause.

I mean people donate to walks and runs to raise money for mental illness research, cancer research and many other causes all the time. I think for most the idea of fundraising for an adoption is unheard of. Maybe so. But not for us and for the many other families who found their child through Reece's Rainbow.

The cost of an international adoption is extremely high. For the country in Eastern Europe where Milana is it tends to be about $24,000. It could be more or less depending on the country. Unfortunately that price is what scares away so many loving families from saving these precious children.

We did not want to be one of those families who is afraid to take that leap of faith and go out and ask for donations and fundraise like maniacs so that we can save our little girl and bring her home to us. We really could use some more help. We have a wonderful, loving home to bring Milana in to. We just need everyone's support and some donations to get her home to us and provide her with all the love and care she needs and deserves.

I know some of you are out there helping as best as you can. We can't thank you enough for posting our article on your facebook and twitter pages. Any and all help we get is so essential in bringing Milana home to us.

If you are willing and able to help get our information out there we could really use your help! Remember, this is to help save the life of a child. In this case Milana. Please consider posting our link to our family support page on your facebook pages, your my space, twitter, etc. The more people we can reach the better.

I can't stress enough how important it is that we get as many donations as possible. All donations made through our family support page www.reecesrainbow.org/sponsorwojcik.html are tax deductible. Donations can be made on line or a check can be mailed to Reece's Rainbow P.O. Box 4024 Gaithersburg, MD 20885. If mailing a check please make sure Wojcik is written in the memo line so that it goes into Milana's account.

Thank you so much for your support and for helping us save the life of a child!


  1. it sure is hard to fund raise, i personally have never had to ask for money before...but this isnt about us. its about our babies, we are trying to save a life and we have to step out and do all we can. praying for you too !!

  2. I feel you about the fundraiseing my gf and her hubby are adopting a little boy named ivan and are haveing alot of difficulty getting donations..if you could say a little prayer and there group is save ivan on facebook wed be apprecitaive..
