I have a friend who could really use your prayers. She is one of the most amazing people I have come to know. She was in the process to adopt an adorable little girl when we were heading to Ukraine to get Milana. She worked tirelessly to do everything she needed to get this little girl. Her dossier was in this little girls country and then the adoption laws changed and she was no longer able to bring this little girl home.
She recently received a phone call telling her that the laws changed yet again and that if she wants to get her little girl to get moving on her dossier. (The entire thing needs to be redone because all of her documents expired).
If you could pray for my friend I would really appreciate it. She has been through so much in trying to get her little girl - then losing her - then having to grieve that loss. Now she is back at it and working to get her dossier done as quickly as possible in order to bring her daughter home. She really could use all the prayers she can get.