Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1900 Park Fare

We had dinner one night at 1900 Park Fare where Cinderella, the Prince, The Wicked Stepmother, and Wicked Stepsisters hang out.

When Milana met the Prince she was extremely interested in his gloves. She thought they were pretty neat. Not sure why, but it was cute the way she studied his gloves.

Mila liked Cinderella's gloves as well, but we managed to get her to stop looking at them long enough for a picture.

Ironically, the wicked stepmother really seemed to be Milana's favorite character. She thought it was funny the way she kept making that mean face. Each time we talked about her (the Wicked Stepmother) Milana would make that face and put her fist under her chin. She STILL does it when we talk about her.

Milana enjoyed meeting the stepsisters as well. Let's face it. Milana enjoys meeting anyone and everyone.

When Milana first met Drizzella (I can't spell folks) she walked over to her and lifted her arms up to for Drizzella to pick her up. I of course am having this internal struggle in my head as we have been trying to teach Milana that she doesn't hug or kiss anyone other than family, she doesn't need to be picked up by anyone - again other than family. So I was getting a bit anxious.

Fortunately, Drizzella is a WICKED Stepsister so it all worked out. Drizzella looked at Milana and said "You want me to pick you up?" "I don't pick anyone or anything up except for maybe my cat." "If you lift me up, then I will lift you up." So it all worked out.

Chris found himself yet another girlfriend. Looks like this may be why he likes Disney so much :)

While we were finishing up eating the Step Mother came back to see Milana. She came back and told us she was so happy that Milana was still here and that they had all been talking about her in the back about how cute she was. I thought that was so cool that she made that big of an impression on them. It made my day!


  1. I am so glad you had so much fun! I am jealous! Tom and I went to Disney World in 2009 and our last hurrah without kids in 2010! So nice! We brought our own food, stayed at a cheap place, and just really enjoyed it! Going to Disneyland for a day in January while visiting my mom just didn't cut it! We had fun, but it was over too soon! Thinking about a trip to DW in several months when the kids are more settled and it's cooler... Maybe around tax return time?!?! :)


  2. Great pictures! That's funny about Drizella and Milana! Looks like a lot of memories were made on this vacation! My kids were looking over my shoulder saying, "Why can't we go to Disney?" Maybe you can take them next time? lol
